why does my cat still have balls after being neutered

Why Does My Cat Still Have Balls After Being Neutered? A Closer Look.

Many cat owners are left puzzled when they notice that their supposedly neutered feline still has visible testicles, leading them to wonder why this happens. After a cat is neutered, the scrotal sack is usually left in place, which can sometimes be mistaken for testicles. The vet can confirm if the testicles are still present by examining the cat. It is recommended to continue vaccinations for a neutered cat, as it depends on the area and the cat’s risk level. A check-up with the vet is important for the cat’s overall health.

When a male cat is neutered, only the testicles are removed, while the sheath and scrotal skin remain, which can give the appearance of testicles. It is normal for the scrotum to shrink over time. If owners are unsure if their cat has been neutered, they can check for the presence of the testicle sac or measure the length between the anus and penis.

It is also possible that the testicles weren’t properly removed during the surgery. A vet can provide clarification if there are any concerns. Understanding the concept of retained testicles in neutered cats and post-neutering testosterone levels is essential in unraveling the mystery behind why some cats still appear to have testicles after being neutered. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the neutering process in cats, the normal appearance of the scrotal sack after neutering, reasons for retained testicles, and more. Stay tuned to gain a comprehensive understanding and find solutions to any concerns you may have.

Understanding the Neutering Process in Cats

Before we dive deeper into the mystery, let’s first understand what happens during the cat neutering process and the timeline for post-surgery changes. Neutering, also known as castration, is a common surgical procedure performed on male cats to remove their testicles, which eliminates their ability to reproduce. It is a safe and effective way to control the cat population and prevent unwanted behaviors such as spraying and aggression.

Cat neutering process

During the surgery, the veterinarian makes a small incision in the scrotum and carefully removes the testicles. The sheath and scrotal skin are left intact, which can give the appearance of testicles still being present. However, over time, the scrotum naturally shrinks, and the skin tightens, leading to a more flattened appearance. This process varies for each cat, but it usually takes a few weeks to a couple of months for the scrotum to fully shrink.

It’s important to note that the presence of the scrotal sack does not necessarily indicate that the testicles haven’t been removed. If you’re unsure whether your cat has been neutered, you can consult with your veterinarian who can examine your cat and provide confirmation. Additionally, if you have any concerns about the healing process or the presence of testicles after neutering, it’s always best to reach out to your vet for guidance and clarification.

The Normal Appearance of the Scrotal Sack After Neutering

It’s important to note that after a cat is neutered, the scrotal sack is typically left in place, often fooling cat owners into thinking that their feline friend’s testicles are still present. However, what they are seeing is actually the sheath and scrotal skin that remain after the removal of the testicles. The scrotal sack is not an indication of intact testicles, but rather a remnant from before the neutering procedure.

Over time, it is normal for the scrotum to shrink and become less noticeable. This gradual shrinkage can vary from cat to cat, but it is a natural part of the healing process. If you’re unsure whether your cat has been neutered, you can check for the presence of the testicle sac or measure the length between the anus and penis. A veterinarian can also assist in confirming whether the testicles are still present.

If you find that your cat still has testicles after being neutered, it is possible that the surgery was not performed correctly. In such cases, it’s important to seek veterinary clarification and advice. A vet can further examine your cat and determine the best course of action. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are essential for your cat’s overall health and well-being, ensuring any potential issues are addressed promptly.

cat scrotal sack after neutering
  • Confirm with a veterinarian if the testicles are still present after neutering.
  • Continue regular vaccinations for your neutered cat, as advised by the veterinarian.
  • Schedule routine check-ups with a vet to monitor your cat’s overall health and detect any potential issues early on.

By seeking proper veterinary guidance and following their advice, you can ensure the best care for your neutered cat and address any concerns regarding testicle retention.

Reasons for Retained Testicles After Neutering

While it is uncommon, there are several reasons why a neutered cat may still have visible testicles, including potential health issues and the long-term effects of neutering on testicle shrinkage.

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When a male cat is neutered, only the testicles are removed, while the sheath and scrotal skin remain, which can give the appearance of testicles. It is normal for the scrotum to shrink over time. If owners are unsure if their cat has been neutered, they can check for the presence of the testicle sac or measure the length between the anus and penis.

However, in rare cases, the testicles may not have been completely removed during the surgery. This can happen if the veterinarian encounters difficulties or complications during the procedure. If this is the case, a cat may still exhibit male behaviors due to the presence of residual testosterone. In such instances, it is important to consult a veterinarian for further examination and clarification.

If a cat has retained testicles after being neutered, it could also be an indication of potential health issues. Conditions such as testicular tumors or undescended testicles, where the testicles fail to descend into the scrotum, can result in testicle retention. These health concerns should be addressed promptly through veterinary intervention to ensure the well-being of the cat.

  • Schedule a check-up with your veterinarian: A thorough examination by a professional will help determine the cause of testicle retention in your cat and guide appropriate treatment options.
  • Consider surgical intervention: In cases where the testicles were not completely removed during the initial neutering surgery, a veterinarian may recommend a secondary surgery to remove the retained testicles.
  • Monitor for any signs of health issues: Keep a close eye on your cat for any unusual behaviors or physical symptoms that may indicate underlying health problems. Prompt veterinary attention can help address these issues effectively.
  • Seek professional advice: Discuss your concerns with a veterinarian who can provide tailored guidance and advice based on your cat’s specific needs and circumstances.

By staying vigilant and seeking professional help when necessary, cat owners can ensure the overall health and well-being of their neutered feline companions.

Examining Post-Neutering Testosterone Levels in Cats

Even after being neutered, some cats may continue to produce small amounts of testosterone, which can have an impact on their physical appearance and behavior. Neutering typically involves removing the testicles, which are responsible for producing the majority of testosterone in male cats. However, a small percentage of neutered cats may still retain some testicular tissue, leading to continued testosterone production.

One reason for this phenomenon is incomplete removal of the testicles during the neutering surgery. In some cases, a small amount of testicular tissue may be left behind, which can continue to produce testosterone. This can result in a variety of effects, including the appearance of testicles or the persistence of male behaviors in neutered male cats.

While the retained testicles may not pose a health risk, it is important to monitor the cat’s testosterone levels and behavior. Some owners may notice that their neutered cat still exhibits territorial marking, aggression, or mating behaviors. If such behaviors are observed, consulting a veterinarian is recommended to address any concerns and determine the best course of action.

Monitoring and Managing Testosterone Levels

  • Regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help monitor the cat’s testosterone levels and overall health.
  • Testing the cat’s blood can provide insight into the amount of testosterone being produced.
  • In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help manage testosterone levels and minimize any associated behaviors.
post-neutering testosterone levels in cats

It is important to note that monitoring testosterone levels and addressing any persistent male behaviors in neutered cats should be done under the guidance of a veterinarian. Each cat is unique, and their individual hormonal response to neutering can vary. By working closely with a veterinarian, cat owners can ensure their pet’s continued well-being and address any concerns that may arise.

Behavioral Changes in Neutered Cats

Neutering can lead to significant behavioral changes in cats, but it’s important to recognize that removing the testicles does not guarantee the complete elimination of male behaviors. While neutering can help reduce aggression, marking, and roaming tendencies, some neutered male cats may still exhibit certain male behaviors. These behaviors can include territorial marking, mounting, and even vocalizing to attract females.

It’s essential to understand that the presence of these behaviors does not mean that the neutering procedure was ineffective. Neutering primarily targets the production of testosterone, which can help reduce undesirable behaviors. However, some male behaviors may persist due to other factors such as learned behavior, environmental stimuli, or even individual personality traits.

Factors influencing behavioral changes in neutered cats include:

  • Age at the time of neutering – Cats neutered before reaching sexual maturity tend to have fewer male behaviors.
  • Length of time the cat exhibited male behaviors before neutering – Cats who had established certain male behaviors before neutering may continue to display them, to some extent, even after the procedure.
  • Environmental stimuli – Cats may still respond to the presence of other intact males or the scent markings left by other cats, which can trigger territorial or mating-related behaviors.
  • Learned behavior – Cats may continue certain behaviors if they were not solely driven by testosterone production but rather learned through previous experiences or reinforcement.

If you notice your neutered male cat exhibiting male behaviors that are causing concern or disruption in your household, it’s advisable to consult with your veterinarian. They can provide guidance on managing and modifying these behaviors through environmental enrichment, behavior modification techniques, and, if necessary, medication. Remember, each cat is unique, and the response to neutering can vary.

cat playing with toys

If you’re concerned about your neutered cat still having visible testicles, there are several solutions that can help resolve this issue, with guidance from your veterinarian. It is important to consult with a professional to determine the cause and appropriate course of action. Here are some potential solutions:

  1. Wait and observe: In some cases, the scrotal sack may take time to shrink after neutering. It is recommended to monitor your cat’s condition for a few weeks to see if there are any changes.
  2. Surgical intervention: If the testicles are indeed still present, surgical removal may be necessary. This can be done through a procedure called scrotal ablation, where the scrotal skin is removed to eliminate any confusion about testicle retention.
  3. Hormone therapy: In certain instances, hormone therapy may be prescribed to help reduce the size of retained testicles or suppress the production of testosterone. Your veterinarian can provide further guidance on this treatment option.
  4. Further examination: If there are concerns about the effectiveness of the initial neutering procedure, your vet may recommend additional examinations or tests to rule out any underlying health issues that could be contributing to testicle retention.
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Seeking Veterinary Advice on Retained Testicles

It is crucial to seek guidance from a veterinarian when dealing with retained testicles in neutered cats. They have the expertise and knowledge to provide proper diagnoses and recommend appropriate solutions. Regular check-ups with your vet are essential for your cat’s overall health and well-being. During these visits, your vet can assess the condition of your cat’s scrotum and testicles and offer guidance specific to your cat’s situation.

Remember, each cat is unique, and the best approach to resolving testicle retention will depend on individual circumstances. Your veterinarian will be able to give you the most accurate advice and recommend the most suitable course of action.

solutions for retained testicles in neutered cats

While uncommon, post-neutering complications can potentially lead to testicle retention in cats, necessitating prompt veterinary attention. After a cat is neutered, the scrotal sack is usually left in place, which can sometimes be mistaken for testicles. If you are unsure if your cat has been properly neutered, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian for clarification. A physical examination by the vet can confirm if the testicles are still present or if there are any complications.

It is also important to continue vaccinations for your neutered cat, as this depends on the area and your cat’s risk level. Regular check-ups with your vet are essential for monitoring your cat’s overall health and addressing any concerns. When a male cat is neutered, only the testicles are removed, leaving the sheath and scrotal skin intact. Over time, the scrotum will shrink, but it may still give the appearance of testicles. If you notice that the scrotum has not significantly decreased in size or if you suspect that the testicles were not properly removed during the surgery, it is crucial to seek veterinary guidance.

If there are concerns regarding retained testicles in your neutered cat, your veterinarian can provide the necessary clarification and determine the appropriate course of action. Remember, professional assistance and proactive communication with your vet are key in ensuring the well-being of your feline companion.

retained testicles in neutered cats

If you’re unsure whether your cat has been fully neutered or if you notice testicles still present, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian for a thorough examination and professional guidance. Retained testicles in neutered cats can sometimes occur due to complications during the surgery or other health issues. Your vet will be able to determine if the testicles are still present by examining your cat.

During the examination, the vet will check for the presence of testicles and assess the overall health of your cat. They may recommend further tests or imaging to provide a more accurate diagnosis. It’s important to communicate any concerns or observations you have noticed about your cat’s behavior or physical appearance. Veterinary advice on retained testicles can help address any underlying issues and ensure the best course of action for your cat’s well-being.

Regular Check-ups and Vaccinations

Even after a successful neutering procedure, it is essential to continue regular check-ups and vaccinations for your neutered cat. The frequency of these visits will depend on your vet’s recommendations and your cat’s individual needs. Regular check-ups allow the vet to monitor your cat’s overall health and detect any potential issues early on.

Vaccinations are also an essential part of maintaining your cat’s health. They protect against various diseases and infections, depending on the area and the cat’s risk level. Your vet will advise you on the appropriate vaccination schedule for your neutered cat. By staying up to date with vaccinations and regular check-ups, you are providing the best possible care for your feline companion.

retained testicles in neutered cats


  • Seek veterinary clarification if you have concerns about testicle retention in your neutered cat.
  • A vet can examine your cat to determine if the testicles are still present.
  • Regular check-ups and vaccinations are important for your neutered cat’s overall health.
  • Consulting with a veterinarian ensures professional guidance and the best course of action for your cat.

Understanding the Visual Appearance of Testicles After Neutering

Understanding the visual appearance of the scrotum and testicles after neutering can help cat owners differentiate between actual retained testicles and the presence of the scrotal sack. After a cat is neutered, the scrotal sack is usually left in place, which can sometimes be mistaken for testicles. However, it is important to note that the testicles are actually removed during the neutering surgery.

When a male cat is neutered, only the testicles are removed, while the sheath and scrotal skin remain, which can give the appearance of testicles. It is normal for the scrotum to shrink over time, leading to a smaller and less noticeable appearance. If owners are unsure if their cat has been neutered, they can check for the presence of the testicle sac or measure the length between the anus and penis. If the scrotum is still visible or the measurement indicates the presence of testicles, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian for further examination.

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Distinguishing Between Retained Testicles and Scrotal Sack

To determine if there are indeed retained testicles, a vet can perform a physical examination of the cat. They will be able to confirm if the testicles are still present or if what is being observed is the scrotal sack. It is also possible that the testicles weren’t properly removed during the surgery, and the vet can provide clarification if there are any concerns. It is important to note that retained testicles can pose potential health risks, and timely veterinary intervention is crucial for the cat’s well-being.

cat's scrotum still visible after neutering

While the visual appearance of the scrotum and testicles after neutering can initially be confusing, understanding the underlying anatomy and seeking professional advice is essential. By staying informed and proactive, cat owners can ensure the overall health and well-being of their feline companions.

Debunking Neutering Myths

There are several misconceptions surrounding neutering and the presence of testicles in neutered cats, so let’s debunk some of these myths and provide accurate information.

  1. Myth 1: Neutering causes a male cat to lose its masculinity. This is not true. Neutering removes the testicles, which reduces the production of testosterone. However, it does not change a cat’s behavior or personality. Your cat can still exhibit typical male behaviors, such as territorial marking, even after being neutered.
  2. Myth 2: Neutering is detrimental to a cat’s health. On the contrary, neutering has numerous health benefits for cats. It helps prevent testicular cancer, reduces the risk of prostate problems, and eliminates the possibility of uterine infections or certain reproductive cancers in female cats. Neutering also helps control the cat population and reduces the likelihood of roaming, fighting, and other behavior-related issues.
  3. Myth 3: A neutered cat will become overweight. While neutering can slightly slow down a cat’s metabolism, weight gain is more often attributed to a sedentary lifestyle or overfeeding. By providing a balanced diet and engaging your cat in regular exercise, weight gain can be easily prevented or managed.

If you have any concerns about the presence of testicles in your neutered cat, it is important to consult with a veterinarian. They can perform a thorough examination and provide clarification. Remember, a check-up with the vet is also crucial for your cat’s overall health and well-being. So, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice regarding neutering and the care of your feline friend.

neutering myths

Understanding Testicle Retention in Neutered Cats

Testicle retention in neutered cats can be a perplexing issue for cat owners, but with a clearer understanding of the neutering process and potential complications, along with guidance from veterinarians, the mystery can be unraveled.

After a cat is neutered, the scrotal sack is usually left in place, which can sometimes be mistaken for testicles. The vet can confirm if the testicles are still present by examining the cat. It is recommended to continue vaccinations for a neutered cat, as it depends on the area and the cat’s risk level. A regular check-up with the vet is important for monitoring the cat’s overall health.

When a male cat is neutered, only the testicles are removed, while the sheath and scrotal skin remain, which can give the appearance of testicles. It is normal for the scrotum to shrink over time. If owners are unsure if their cat has been neutered, they can check for the presence of the testicle sac or measure the length between the anus and penis. It is also possible that the testicles weren’t properly removed during the surgery. A vet can provide clarification if there are any concerns.

By understanding the visual appearance of testicles after neutering, recognizing potential complications, and seeking veterinary guidance, cat owners can gain clarity and ensure the well-being of their neutered cats. Clear communication with a veterinarian is essential in unraveling the mystery of testicle retention and addressing any concerns that may arise.


Q: Why does my cat still have balls after being neutered?

A: After a cat is neutered, the scrotal sack is usually left in place, which can sometimes be mistaken for testicles. The vet can confirm if the testicles are still present by examining the cat.

Q: Should I continue vaccinations for a neutered cat?

A: It is recommended to continue vaccinations for a neutered cat, as it depends on the area and the cat’s risk level. A check-up with the vet is important for the cat’s overall health.

Q: What does the scrotal sack look like after a male cat is neutered?

A: When a male cat is neutered, only the testicles are removed, while the sheath and scrotal skin remain, which can give the appearance of testicles. It is normal for the scrotum to shrink over time.

Q: How can I tell if my cat has been neutered?

A: If owners are unsure if their cat has been neutered, they can check for the presence of the testicle sac or measure the length between the anus and penis. It is also possible that the testicles weren’t properly removed during the surgery. A vet can provide clarification if there are any concerns.

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